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Teams to end poverty



NetAid is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in New York established in 1999 through a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Cisco Systems.

The international community has set a goal of cutting extreme poverty in half by 2015. Poor countries cannot reach this goal alone; significant progress requires a supportive partnership for development between poor and wealthy countries. To help forge this partnership, NetAid's mission is to mobilize people in developed countries to make ending extreme poverty a global priority.

Combining innovative programs with new technologies, and working in partnership with the United Nations and the private sector, NetAid is building a network of everyday people committed to working for a world without extreme poverty.
The NetAid Network of people and organizations is 80,000 strong - and growing.

NetAid works to:

NetAid employs a range of tools and activities to raise awareness and empower everyday people to become committed activists for the world's poorest. Netaid’s current initiatives include:

Educational Programs: NetAid offers educational programs and resources which teach young people about the challenges faced by poor children in developing countries, and how youth activism can help make a difference.

Campaigns: NetAid undertakes online and offline campaigns that spread the word about the fight against extreme poverty and offer an array of opportunities to get involved.

Opportunities to Support Poverty-Fighting Projects: NetAid World Schoolhouse connects people and organizations to projects that are fighting poverty by putting the world's poorest children into school.

Link to the NetAid website

How to take action
With whom to act
2.8 billion people – nearly half the world population – live on less than 2 dollars a day.
United Nations Development Programme
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